Honeybourne Online

County Council Divisional Fund Available For Local Groups In Honeybourne

If you are running a local community organisation, manned by volunteers, then there may be a little financial support available for some much needed equipment or services.  Please email all requests, or questions regarding this, to me at adams.pebworth@gmail.com

So far we have received some amazing requests to support the following organisations:

  1. Offenham Cricket Club – grant requested for playing and coaching equipment for 17 juniors
  2. Honeybourne primary School – grant for use of village hall for dance, drama and PE
  3. Littleton Scout Group – grant to help refurbishment of village hall
  4. Pebworth Village Hall – grant for new blinds
  5. Badsey Flower Show – grant to help buy a storage container
  6. Honeybourne Harriers – grant requested for more flood lights

Hurry up and send in your applications before the time runs out early 2022.

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